Sunday, 2 October 2011

How To Become Independent...

* Find a job and get hired. It might be comfortable to skip out on working and stay at your parents' house, but it will not develop you as an individual, unless you are going to school or college full-time with parents supporting your efforts. Without your own, independent life, eventually, you'll realize just how stagnant and depressing your life can become, if you don't split from parents.

*Sign up for a bank account. Most banks offer a checking and savings account together, in one convenient package. Some companies, institutions, and organizations will require you to have at least a checking account (some only pay employees via direct deposit electronically, not by a pay check). Money you earn that isn't necessary for your own expenses should be put into a savings account until you're ready to be independent.

*Save money; pay yourself. Save as much as is reasonably possible. This will help you create an emergency fund, since life can be unpredictable at times. Improve the quality of your life by putting aside a set amount of money each month. There are such things as accidents, which can occur when you least expect it.

*Dump the bad influences in your life. Don't break friendships unless absolutely necessary. Learn to keep a healthy distance. Even if those friends are "totally cool," they may only hold you back from breaking out on your own. Also, if you feel that your friends will hold you back in life, move on.

Make some better/smarter friends (while loving your old friends), rise up by education from your parents' socio-economic status. You may decide to move to another city or state to find opportunities. Feelings of homesickness are only temporary, but making progress (which defines success) may last a life time.

*Rent your own place. Nothing says independent like having your dwelling even if it is just a room at or near your work or college. It may be difficult, but keep working so you can have your own place. This will encourage you to hoist yourself out of the life depending on parents, as a routine in which you are stuck.

*Be determined. Never doubt that you can make progress, even if there are setbacks -- advance again. Consider that progress toward your goals is how to measure your kind of success. Discover your interests and direction in life, then define your goals to get there. The person who can stop you from doing things that move toward your own goals is yourself.

*Stay in school or get training in a good trade or improve abilities and skills. Learn a trade -- to begin a real career (not just for money, or you may get stuck in a dead-end line of work). If you drop out of high school, your job and/or career options will be severely limited. Give college a chance; even one year of college. Earn a degree or a trade school diploma by suspending some activities that pull you down into a trap/rut.

*And for older people, try to do more things on your own like getting out more without your partner, create your own space.

How To Become a Millionaire?

Do you know that you can become a millionaire in a short period of time? Do you know there’s a hidden shortcut to being wealthy and financially free?
And you don’t have to work like a slave for someone else for 40-60 hours a week, only to grow old to find out that you have wasted all your life in your job – making money for your boss.
If you have looked at other websites, then you need to know that most of them are sharing with you the TURTLE path to become a millionaire. Which means that you will only become a millionaire in 20-30 years.
Here are some of the common advices you always hear…
Get a good degree, get a high paying job, save 10% of your income, buy stocks, live beyond your means, clear your credit cards…
But do you know where do you end up with using these advices?
Most of the time, you’ll end up becoming a millionaire when you are 70 years old. And this is because these advices only helps you to become a millionaire after decades of savings.
If you want to become a millionaire within 1-5 years, you would need to find out theSHORTCUT path. And this is what our website would be working towards to help you become a millionaire in 1-5 years time. Unless you don’t mind becoming a millionaire at the age of 70 years old.

Ultimate Millionaire Formula

There is one formula that can help you to become a millionaire. If you are constantly improving yourself through reading self-improvement books, you, you might be familiar with this formula.
These are the 4 steps to move towards being a millionaire. We always start off with the right mindset. Have you ever wondered why a friend is able to become a millionaire easily while another friend is struggling just to survive?

Millionaire Mindset

Millionaire Principle #1: Millionaire is a result, so what is the cause?
Millionaires become millionaires not because they sit down there and do nothing, but because they have planted the seeds that produce the millionaire fruits. We need to change our inner state before we can change our destiny.
And the number #1 myth about becoming a millionaire is that if you are going to work for a job that pays you $1,000 – $4,000 a month, you’ll never become a millionaire in 10 – 20 years.
If you would like to know more about millionaire mindset, subscribe to my newsletter or read more in this website.

Millionaire Strategies

Millionaire Strategy #1: Goal of $1,000,000 = Number of units sold + Profit Per Unit
This is one of the most critical factor of becoming a millionaire the fast way. It is not by investing in mutual fund or unit trust, nor is it by saving hard to make a million but rather it is by the formula above.
If you can make a profit of $1 for selling Product X, then you need to sell 1,000,000 units of Product X to make a million.
You make a profit of $1 because the value of you selling product X is worth $1. If you can provide more value, then you can increase $1 to a larger profit margin.
For you to sell a million units all by yourself, then it will take you a very long time. You would need to leverage on vehicles for you to sell a million units and the best vehicle is using the internet. As you can reach out to millions of people from the internet, there is no problem hitting a million units of sale.
Hence this is the reason many common people become millionaires by leveraging on the internet to reach out to the world. Of course, internet is not just the only way for you to reach out to a million people, there are other ways for you to do so. But internet provides the lowest cost to reach to out to the world.

Take Massive Action

To become a millionaire, you need to take massive action to work towards it. Simply by dreaming to become a millionaire won’t help you at all. You need to prepare to work 60 hours a week to become a millionaire.
You would also need to find out ways on how you can increase your value by increasing your product value, and also tap on different mediums to reach out to more people.
Does it mean that you will definitely succeed when you take massive action?
No, it doesn’t happen that way, you will definitely fail along the way, but as long as you treat it as a learning experience and improve on your strategy, you will definitely succeed.
That is why you see the feedback loop towards the strategy in the diagram above.

Healthy Diet Food

Following a healthy diet is one the most important things if you want to keep a good health in general. Your eating habits along with good exercise are the main factors that impact on your weight. It’s essential that your weight is proper in relation with your height. Overweight increases the chances of getting heart diseases like diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, respiratory diseases, arthritis, gallbladder issues, breathing problems when sleeping, osteoarthritis and some type of cancer. You can determine whether a person suffers from overweight by calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index). Those People with a BMI ranging from 25 to 29.9 are overweight, while those who get a BIM over 30 are obese.
It’s not easy to follow a healthy diet and eat healthy diet food. Eating junk food is tempting because they are easy to obtain and cook and of course they are tasty (that’s because fat is tasty). Most people are really busy at work, at school or at home, and that’s why taking the time to buy ingredients to cook a healthy meal is left behind. But it’s important for you to know that it’s not that hard to make small changes in your life to improve your diet. There’s a lot of information available out there about nutrition. If you plan your meals a little bit with healthy diet food, you will be able to find one that matches your lifestyle.
You can start planning a healthy diet by reading the dietary guidelines published by the USDA (United States Departament of Agriculture) and the HHS (US Department of Health & Human Services). These guidelines include the famous food group pyramid which shows the way the different food categories could be combined to obtain the perfect mix with healthy diet food.
Because there are a lot of type of foods and a bunch of different ways to combine them, there’s a lot of room and ways to create a complete diet in an intelligent way. Eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life and you could use that pyramid as a starting point.
The most important things to take into account are:
1. Always choose healthy diet food that help you lose weight and keep your BMI in a good range.
2. Follow a balanced diet that includes food from all groups. A lot of fruit, vegetables and cereals.
3. Eat foods with low Saturated Fat and cholesterol.
4. Make sure you include a variety of cereals in your daily diet, specially whole grain food.
5. Eat Food which contain a low sugar level and calories.

why telecommunication is important in our life?

* End users need to communicate electronically to succeed in today`s global information society.
* Through the use of telecommunication they perform their work activities, manage organizational resources and
   compete successfully in today`s fast changing global economy.
* Need to electronically exchange data and information with other end users, customers, suppliers and other
* Enable end user to communicate electronically and share hardware, software and data resources via LAN.
* Enable a company to process transactions immediately from many remote locations, exchange business
   documents electronically with customers and suppliers or remotely monitor and control production via WAN.
* Interconnect the computer system of a business so that end users through out an enterprise via LAN or
   internet can share their computing power.
* Enhance collaboration and communication among individuals both inside and outside an organization via

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

 Process to become like this back.. Hopefully it will success! Aminnnn...... -Tyra-
  Home Sweet Home... -PUTRAJAYA-
          Picture of Magnetic Tape Storage -Tyra-

Magnetic tape is a medium for magnetic recording, made of a thin magnetizable coating on a long, narrow strip of plastic. It was developed inGermany, based on magnetic wire recording. Devices that record and play back audio and video using magnetic tape are tape recorders andvideo tape recorders. A device that stores computer data on magnetic tape is a tape drive (tape unit, streamer).
Magnetic tape revolutionized broadcast and recording. When all radio was live, it allowed programming to be prerecorded. At a time whengramophone records were recorded in one take, it allowed recordings to be made in multiple parts, which were then mixed and edited with tolerable loss in quality. It is a key technology in early computer development, allowing unparalleled amounts of data to be mechanically created, stored for long periods, and to be rapidly accessed.
Today, other technologies can perform the functions of magnetic tape. In many cases these technologies are replacing tape. Despite this, innovation in the technology continues and tape is still widely used.
Over years, magnetic tape can suffer from deterioration called sticky-shed syndrome. Caused by absorption of moisture into the binder of the tape, it can render the tape unusable.

Monday, 28 February 2011

JaNGaNLaH BuaT oRaNG YaNG MeNCiNTai KaMu KeCeWa..........

1] Orang yang mencintai kamu tidak pernah mampu memberikan alasan kenapa dia mencintai kamu. Yang dia tahu di hati dan matanya
hanya ada kamu satu-satunya.

2] Walaupun kamu sudah memiliki teman istimewa atau kekasih, dia tidak peduli! Baginya yang penting kamu bahagia dan kamu tetap
menjadi impiannya.

3] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu menerima kamu apa adanya, di hati dan matanya kamu selalu yang tercantik walaupun mungkin kamu merasa berat badan kamu sudah bertambah.

4] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin tahu tentang apa saja yang kamu lalui sepanjang hari ini, dia ingin tahu kegiatan kamu.

5] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan mengirimkan SMS seperti ‘Selamat Pagi’,'Selamat Hari Minggu’, ‘Selamat Tidur’, ‘Take Care’, dan lain-lain lagi, walaupun kamu tidak membalas SMS-nya, kerana dengan kiriman SMS itulah dia menyatakan cintanya, menyatakan dalam cara yang berbeza,bukan “aku CINTA padamu”, tapi berselindung ayat selain kata cinta itu.

6] Jika kamu menyambut hari tahun dan kamu tidak mengundangnya ke majlis yang kamu adakan, setidak-tidaknya dia akan menelefon
untuk mengucapkan selamat atau mengirim SMS.

7] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan selalu mengingat setiap kejadian yang dia lalui bersama kamu, bahkan mungkin kejadian yang kamu
sendiri sudah melupakannya, kerana saat itu ialah sesuatu yang berharga untuknya.Dan saat itu, matanya pasti berkaca. kerana saat
bersamamu itu tidak bisa berulang selalu.

8] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu mengingati setiap kata-kata yang kamu ucapkan, bahkan mungkin kata-kata yang kamu sendiri lupa
pernah mengungkapkannya. kerana dia menyematkan kata-kata mu di hatinya,berapa banyak kata-kata penuh harapan yang kau
tuturkan padanya, dan akhirnya kau musnahkan? pasti kau lupa, tetapi bukan orang yang mencintai kamu.

9] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan belajar menggemari lagu-lagu kegemaran kamu, bahkan mungkin meminjam CD milik kamu, kerana dia
ingin tahu apa kegemaran kamu - kesukaan kamu kesukaannya juga, walaupun sukar meminati kesukaan kamu, tapi akhirnya da berjaya.

10] Kalau kali terakhir kalian bertemu kamu mungkin sedang selesema, atau batuk-batuk, dia akan sentiasa mengirim SMS atau menelefon
untuk bertanya keadaan kamu - kerana dia bimbangkan tentang kamu, peduli tentang kamu.

11] Jika kamu mengatakan akan menghadapi ujian, dia akan tanyakan bila ujian itu berlangsung, dan saat harinya tiba dia akan
mengirimkan SMS ‘good luck’ untuk memberi semangat kepada kamu.

12] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan memberikan suatu barang miliknya yang mungkin buat kamu itu ialah sesuatu yang biasa, tetapi
baginya barang itu sangat istimewa.

13] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan terdiam sesaat, ketika sedang bercakap di telefon dengan kamu, sehingga kamu menjadi bingung.
Sebenarnya saat itu dia merasa sangat gugup kerana kamu telah menggegarkan dunianya.

14] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada dekat dengan kamu dan ingin menghabiskan hari-harinya hanya dengan kamu.

15] Jika suatu saat kamu harus pindah ke daerah lain, dia akan sentiasa memberikan nasihat agar kamu waspada dengan persekitaran
yang boleh membawa pengaruh buruk kepada kamu. dan jauh dihatinya dia benar-benar takut kehilangan kamu, pernah dengar ‘jauh
di mata, jauh di hati?’

16] Orang yang mencintai kamu bertindak lebih seperti saudara daripada seperti seorang kekasih.

17] Orang yang mencintai kamu sering melakukan hal-hal yang SENGAL seperti menelefon kamu 100 kali dalam masa sehari. Atau
mengejutkan kamu di tengah malam dengan mengirim SMS. Sebenarnya ketika itu dia sedang memikirkan kamu.

18] Orang yang mencintai kamu kadang-kadang merindukan kamu dan melakukan hal-hal yang membuat kamu pening kepala. Namun ketika kamu mengatakan tindakannya itu membuat kamu terganggu dia akan minta maaf dan tak akan melakukannya lagi.

19] Jika kamu memintanya untuk mengajarimu sesuatu maka ia akan dgn sabar walaupun kamu mungkin orang yang terbodoh di dunia!.
bahkan dia begitu gembira kerana dapat membantu kamu. dia tidak pernah mengelak dari menunaikan permintaan kamu walau sesukar
mana permintaan mu.

20].Kalau kamu melihat handphone-nya maka nama kamu akan menghiasi sebahagian besar INBOX-nya. Dia masih menyimpan SMS-SMS
dari kamu walaupun ia kamu kirim berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Dia juga menyimpan surat-surat kamu di tempat khas
dan segala pemberian kamu menjadi benda-benda berharga buatnya.

21] Dan jika kamu cuba menjauhkan diri daripadanya atau memberi reaksi menolaknya, dia akan menyedarinya dan menghilang dari
kehidupan kamu, walaupun hal itu membunuh hatinya.

22] Jika suatu saat kamu merindukannya dan ingin memberinya kesempatan dia akan ada menunggu kamu kerana sebenarnya dia tak
pernah mencari orang lain. Dia sentiasa menunggu kamu.

23] Orang yang begitu mencintaimu, tidak pernah memaksa kamu memberinya sebab dan alasan, walaupun hatinya meronta ingin
mengetahui, kerana dia tidak mahu kamu terbeban dengan karenahnya. saat kau pinta dia berlalu,dia pergi tanpa menyalahkan kamu,
kerana dia benar-benar mengerti apa itu cinta.